Forgiveness Equals Healing

To God, forgiveness and healing are the same. ~ Manuscript of CREATION’S PARABLES – GENESIS AND STANDARD SCIENCE, SUNG AS ONE by Jo Helen Cox

Forgiveness is a magic salve?
If so, is that God’s domain?
Can I get hold of it, heal with it?
Who does it heal? The forgiven?
Or the forgiver. Or both?
D. All of the above.
When I forgive,
I heal the wound in me.
When I forgive,
I may build up the other,
give them the ability
to see the truth, the love.
And more. When the old poison,
the resentment, is purged from me,
it heals the path to God,
removes the barriers I set up,
and heals all around, maybe
sprinkling on those not involved,
those merely exposed
to the relief of restored health.
