A Stack of Yesterdays

…all the yesterdays that are stacking up… ~ Joan B

Days pile up like leaves in autumn
or like stones at the base
of an avalanche. Mounds of days
can be debris blowing in the wind,
plastic bags stuck in branches,
blocking the view to real, to needed,
to communication. Heaps of days
can be a foundation, strong footholds,
building blocks.

Days pile up like leaves in autumn
wasted, left to decay, to rot, forgotten.
But forgotten vegetation nourishes,
fertilizes, breaks up sod for new,
for better, for life. And old rotten days
when life comes anew can be fodder,
example, exemplar of lives we lived,
of ways we put away, of a past
on which we built.

Days pile up like stones
at the base on an avalanche
sometimes embedded with gems,
with metal, with value.
Days of recovery piled one on one
form an entity, a structure, a bedrock.
Days of recovery act as a barrier,
holding back temptation, fear,

Rejoice for piles of days.

