What Have I Done?

But when I look back on the years I practiced compulsive overeating, I see how I always took the path in life that allowed me to most easily continue to practice the disease. In the meantime, the quality of my life diminished, and I gradually gave up on myself and my dreams. ~Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 2937-2949)

Senior citizen. Seasoned citizen.
Social Security recipient.
Middle aged? Who am I kidding?
I’ll never be a hundred thirty-four.
Two people, blood relatives
within the third degree of consanguinity,
are older than I. Facts, they are.
But need they control me?
Grandma Moses…how hokey can I get
in finding an exception. Yet, others exist.
I plan on another thirty years,
and until then, I will refuse to allow
a diminished life, to give up on myself,
to release my dreams.
