Two Eyes, Two Ears

I’m trying to look in the mirror each day and tell myself twenty-five good things about myself, and the first day I could only do fiveĀ and most of those were like “two eyes, two ears” and such. ~ Alyson

Your eyes are such a vibrant color.
I love your hair, so soft, so luscious.
That’s a beautiful dress, and you wear it well.
Your voice! You could get a contract in Nashville!
It’s easy to see what’s good, what’s beautiful,
what delights…as long as we’re talking to others.
But the words don’t flow so easily as we consider
our own face, even if we see traits as desirable
in our kin, our own just like it. But we look at us.
What do you have to say to the face in the mirror?
Can you love that person as much
as you care for a stranger on the street?
