Keep the Principles

As long as Overeaters Anonymous continues to keep the principles it has now, it will be our most valuable means of treatment of the disease of compulsive overeating. (William Radar, M.D.) ~ Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition (Kindle Locations 2958-2959).

The principles…the steps.
As long as we hold on to them
then OA is the most valuable treatment,
the best way to address compulsive eating.
The principles…honesty in step one,
hope in two, faith as we decide
a power greater than we can restore sanity.
Courage to list our fears, resentments, our part
then integrity as we name them.
Then they flow from willingness, humility,
to self-discipline and amazingly, so closely knit,
to love. Then perseverance, spiritual awareness
and service become a way of life, the way
of the principles. And by the time we’re halfway there,
we’re surrounded, blessed, amazed by promises fulfilled,
the promises of the principles.