It’s a Habit

What is a habit?  A settled, regular tendency…
a practice,
especially one hard to give up…
A habit is the me I don’t like…
well, except for the good ones,
the repetition that gets easier,
more natural, more comfortable,
more admirable…even by me!
I can like what I do day after day,
time after time, the comfortable habits
the ones that feel good. My reminder pops up
today, tomorrow, the next day, the next,
telling me to take my pills, to write gratitudes.
An alarm comes on reminding me to meditate,
The reminders help but don’t always manage
to motivate me as they should. But one day,
some time, those desirable actions, too,
will become a path to wander past the border,
to jump the fence? transition…
they’ll move from the want-to-be habits
to full-fledged ones, to the good kind
of habits, a settled, regular tendency,
a practice.