Heart and Head

We learn to give our loving support to others freely (which is from our heart), without trying to advise people or change them (which is from our head). ~ Jhe T reading from and commenting on The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, page 175

I came into OA having been church staff
in three congregations, with a master’s degree,
having written literature for two denominations.
And the change I experienced I’ve always described
as my relationship with God moved in the first three steps
from my head to my heart, a move of earthshaking import.
But the migration is more than that, wider,  bolder…
affecting more than my relationship with God.
In the same way I tried to please God through reasoning,
manipulating, keeping up appearances, I have learned
responding to people from the heart, on an equal level,
letting them be and keeping my side of the street clean.
And it works as well with people as with God,
and in all relationships, I’m happier, healthier, and at ease.
