God-Approved Food

Church suppers, a competition
to bring the most scrumptious food,
the stickiest candied anything,
the salads most loaded in dressings
and fats. And at the church,
blessed by the priest or pastor,
certainly God-approved. Who could decline?
You can. Who approved the food?
Certainly God loves the folks who did,
but God didn’t choose that food for me.
God tells me what I should eat,
what’s good for me, what makes me healthy.
He tells me through what it does to me,
to my body, to my emotions, to my life.
I heard a friend tell recently of a meal
for his ministry, when he was doing right,
but the food planned and prepared
was nowhere near his food plan,
and an angel in street clothes prepared
for him a meal so he could continue to serve.
God tells me what to eat. Through others
at times, through professionals, through reasoning
when based on surrender. God approves all food
but I need to eat only what he approves for me.