Be Kind

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. ~ Henry James

Be kind. Be kind. Be kind.
First be kind to yourself.
Get the help you need
for sanity, for clarity, for recovery.
Your own recovery is most important
even though that may feel selfish.
If you don’t have peace, sanity,
hope then you have nothing
to pass along.
Then be kind to those you know.
The family members who contributed
to your insanity in the first place,
the loving souls who held you together
while you struggled, who loved you through it
who brought you the good news
that hope could be, that help could come.
Then be kind to those you may never know,
who may simply see your smile and sense the hope,
who watch you from afar and see in you
a life they’d like to model. Live your life well
producing a world for your fellows
better for your having been there.
First, always, and finally…be kind.
