A Tenth Step

The promises, those glorious descriptions,
a life of recovery. New freedom, new happiness,
all the others…intuitively knowing it all,
God doing for us. The promises,
materializing if we work for them.
Okay, sign me up. What’s next?
A Tenth Step every day. An inventory,
covering the day. When was I selfish,
dishonest? What have I resented today?
What’s my fear doing today?
Find the answers. Enough, right? Wrong.
Set them right, now!
Am I growing in understanding?
Do I seem more effective today in any way? How?
I look at my answers as I check the day’s doings,
as I pull up the unwanted emotions and feelings.
Is it working? Have I really ceased fighting anything, anyone?
Am I drawn to my drug of choice or free from obsession,
just for today? Am I standing in the midst of neutrality?
Am I spiritually fit today? Am I maintaining spiritual condition
to relish today my daily reprieve? What vision have I?
Can I see God’s will in all my activities?
Have I asked God how to serve him, sought his will?
Have I carefully followed directions today?
How have I seen God’s spirit in me this day?
