A Discovery!

We of Overeaters Anonymous have made a discovery. At the very first meeting we attended, we learned that we were in the clutches of a dangerous illness, and that willpower, emotional health and self-confidence, which some of us had once possessed, were no defense against it. ~ Overeaters Anonymous “Our Invitation to You.”
There’s the “ah-ha” moment,
then there’s the “well, duh!” moment.
Ah-ha makes you feel brilliant,
on top of the game, the heap,
even the world.
It’s not a lot different from well, duh!
maybe none except the way it feels.
And the dejection, the self-loathing,
the stupid-feelingness happens
when we’re in this disease,
the one we don’t know we have
even when the primary sympton
is the focal point of our lives.
But it is a sickness, one we have no way
to stubborn-it through.
We can’t fix it, cure it, endure it.
And in the rooms of recovery
miracles happen. And one of those
is making this well, duh! into ah ha!!