Enough to Work

When I have the willingness to admit I don’t have the willingness, that’s when my program works. ~ Jim H

Change begins with honesty. As we work the fourth step, we develop a new ability to see our own dishonesty and a greater willingness to live by truth. ~ The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous (Kindle Locations 363-364).

Honesty. Simple honesty.
Elusive, evasive, desirable,
the stuff of dreams, of myth…
Honesty. With family, friends,
clerks, the public…with God
and with self. And the self,
that’s the hardest, the most raw.
Even with it all inside,
somehow the truth gets set aside
and comfort wins, fooling us
comes to be the norm.
But freedom comes with honesty,
with truth-telling about our needs,
our feelings, our avoidance,
our actions. And to admit – to me —a failure to be willing, to commit to work
to be willing to be willing to be free.