Enough, at Last

I have learned that when the pain of where I am is worse than the fear of where I’m going, I welcome change. ~ Voices of Recovery (Kindle Locations 2483-2484).

As long as good enough is good enough,
I’ll not dare to change, lest I plummet
to depths yet unknown, just feared.
Holding on with a death grip,
fingers weakening, the end in sight
as time stands still and letting go,
plunging to annihilation which seems like peace,
beckons like a siren’s song…
Sometimes then some shred of sanity asserts itself —
says there must be something else,
hope somewhere – then desperation opens me
to admit defeat, to know I can’t,
that I’ve tried it all and repeating
brings me back in circles, again,
once more. It’s then the hope held out
for years, for the taking, seems not so insane
and worth reaching for…at last.