Good Stewardship

Why would I give you more abilities if you’re not willing to use the ones you’ve got? (God, through David S.)

What ability am I supposed to be using, then?
I thought I was to accept help, to not be stubborn
but let people assist. Evidently not, at least as to the door
I stand and knock on. I’m to “man” up, play strong,
believe I’m tough when tears come easier.
I want to scream I can’t do it, but what do I know?
I’m new here in vulnerable, in pity-party, in scared —
well, this kind of scared. Okay. I’m not in charge.
It’s not just new, creative abilities we’re talking about.
It’s faith, trust, knowing what I have will last long enough,
It’s depending on Providence to be prudent, a good steward.

A Cloud of Witnesses