Easy Doesn’t Do It

Just because its hard doesn’t mean I’ve done anything wrong. ~ David S.

When I’m naughty,
refusing to follow rules,
then fair’s fair, and easy
feels wrong, feels undeserved,
frightens me.

When I’m nice,
walking the steps
doing the work,
submitting to leadership,
then easy’s easy to take,
for I deserve it.

I don’t get what I deserve.
Thank God, for I deserve
three days in the electric chair.
When I feel easy’s due
and get hard, I feel cheated,
misunderstood. But those times
perhaps the hard is there
to break through to a new good
to knock down barriers.
It doesn’t mean I’ve misunderstood,
that I really haven’t been aligned.
It can mean good is just around the bend.
Or not. It’s not about rewards.
Not about what’s due.
It’s about life, love, being.