Cumulating Self-Esteem

If you think you’re ugly just remember that the people who gave you that skewed sense of beauty by which you are gauging yourself aren’t worth your time anyway. (Facebook status)

I came to the rooms deficient
in self-esteem, unable to vocalize
my thoughts, my feelings,
slavishly parroting my “authority,”
the person who willingly usurped
my id, my me, my will.

I found in the rooms lovers,
loving the covert me,
seeing thoughts, feelings,
a me worth being, worth knowing,
worth finding; loving
the nascent id, the psyche until
I could see, could feel, could be.

I learned in the room to love,
freed from resenting forces, people,
who stripped the soul from my child within.
I found in the room others sharing my lack,
my insecurities, my doubt.
I learned in the room not to blame
but to love them, bringing full circle
the love that led me to own
my me.