Absolute Knowledge

The list of things which we absolutely know is not a long one, and we have not the luck to add a fresh one to it often, but I recognized that I had added one to mine this day. I knew, now, that it isn’t safe to sit in judgment upon another person’s illusion when you are not on the inside. While you are thinking it is a dream, he may be knowing it is a planet. ~ Mark Twain

“I know.” My quick answer brings a grin
to the sage woman’s eyes. Mostly it’s true,
but it’s head knowledge, cerebral, not applied.
She nudges me wisely, and I cut her off
with the right words, but she knows.
She knows my head knows, but sees through
the bravado. Knows my heart quails
at the thought, shies away from action
of the internal, transformative type. I heal,
become whole, as I risk past head knowing,
as I find utter truths, cleansing complete,
as absolute knowledge takes root.